Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Loving....Katie Daisy

I finally have a Katie Daisy print! YAY!!

This girls work makes me so happy. Whenever I feel a little under the weather I like to sift through her colourful affirmations. It helps me to positively re-adjust my thinking. I've been lusting after one of her prints for yonks but couldn't decide which one to get. I'm happy with my choice....

"Live with Passion".

I intend to do just that :)

Alisa x

Monday, November 5, 2012

Can't believe it's November already

Well, what a roller coaster this past month has been! I've been busily organizing stalls for the annual Rylstone Streetfeast as well as re-opening the shop. I didn't end up having a stall at the Streetfeast on the weekend. It all became a bit too much. Instead, I went down in the morning to help everyone set-up, came home, opened my shop and made jewellery. And boy have I got some doozies! Here's a sneak peek of what I've been working on.....

I'm TRYING to get my shiz together for Christmas. I can't believe that it's November already. Ca-razy!!

I'll be adding these items to my little neglected Etsy store soon.

I hope you're all well and I'll be back soon with more goodies to share :)

Alisa x