I've been experimenting with tea bag papers......using them in different ways. In this case, I've layered them over a wire frame and painted over them with binder. I love the effect. My moth lady has taken pride of place in the lounge room, covering a crack in the plaster.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Chrissy 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
my hands are sore
This is a detail of one of my paintings done on raw canvas that I finally finished today. My flowers take a while to do as they are quite detailed. My wrists are so sore! I also just finished the girls tweets (they are beautiful!) I can't wait to see their little faces!
It's now raining after a very hot day so I'm off to bed with my windows wide open to feel and smell the cool breeze that I have been longing for all day.
Goodnight x
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Darling Dolly
If you didn't already know, I am a huge Dolly Parton fan. I have loved her from when I was a little girl. She seemed to me the epitome of glamour.
I wanted to share with you one of my all time favourite songs of hers "Coat Of Many Colours". I can't work out how to upload it onto blogger (I suck at computer things) but you can see it here. This song really speaks to me. Especially this time of year. Hubby and I don't go overboard with the girls at Christmas. We get them some new things from Santa but alot of their gifts are made by me. This year they'll each be getting a tweet, a dolly, a necklace and some hair pretties. I want them to appreciate these things more than what Santa can bring them (a challenge, I know) because they too were made with love from their mumma.
Amelia is a huge dolly fan too :)
My Cone Baskets
Now I've never been one for scrapbooking. I've gone to the parties and tried to do it but it just doesn't seem natural to me. I find it a little fussy for my photos. I prefer them mounted on either plain black or white. However i LOVE the papers and i use them in alot of my work. I have a huge collection of these little cone baskets. At the moment they are hanging in one of my Christmas trees (yes i have three, I am a self confessed tree nazi and have to have at least one tree to myself). They are quick to do and make such a lovely statement around the house. I use them all year round for all sorts of things (they look particularly cute holding pencils) I'm going to be filling them with sweets and giving them as gifts of the tree on Christmas day for my family :)
I FINALLY have a Camera!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
And the winners are............
Well the time has come to announce the winners of my giveaway. All names were placed in a hat and i employed the services of Amelia to select the lucky winners. I had planned on doing a post with lovely pictures of the draw (like everyone else does) however I'm without a camera again.
So here are the winners.......
Pink earrings: Tiny Concept
Pearl earrings: Kellie
Congratulations ladies! Can you please email me your details so I can send them to you asap?
I hope everyone is keeping well with the lead up to Christmas. I have a lot of people coming up to stay including my dear grandmother. Christmas has been very difficult for her over the years as my grandfather was in a Sydney nursing home with dementia. She felt sad that he wasn't there to share it with her. My grandfather passed away in April and I know she will find it hard. They were married for 64 years. I love my Grandmother so much. We have always had a special bond and I hope to give her a beautiful Christmas surrounded by the love of her family.
I just hope it isn't too hot!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
C'mon people! I only have one post! :(
See the previous post to enter my giveaway. I'll be drawing the winners on Monday.
Good luck!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Giveaway!
It's the season for giving and I want to give everyone a chance to have a pair of my earrings. I have two options available so I'll be running two draws. All you have to do is leave a comment about something you're family does or has done at Christmas. If you don't celebrate Christmas then perhaps another celebration. Be it a tradition or a memory. And state what pair of earrings you would prefer (you can go in both draws if you can't decide).

And the second option is a lovely pearl pair with a coin pearl drop, glass pearls and crystal rondelles.
Both pairs of earrings are simple and elegant and look very pretty :)
I will draw the winners name in a weeks time so get posting! I'd love to hear your christmas stories.
Now I'm off to paint...My oils are calling me!
Friday, December 4, 2009
More goodies in store!!
And I'm so happy too...... I won a giveaway on Belindas Blog!
I really want to get stuck into some landscape drawings over the Christmas break and the pencil roll will really come in handy. There are so many amazing spots out here and i can't wait to set out with a thermos of tea, a sketchbook, my new pencil roll and just sit and scribble. Bliss!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009

Yesterday I left my home not knowing for sure whether I would be coming back to it. I've often thought in the past of the things that i would take with me if ever i found myself in this position...My family of course is the first and most important but what about other things? I have accumulated quite a collection of lovely things over the years. I always thought that i would be madly packing them....trying to take them along with me so i don't lose it all. Clothes, photos, jewellery, paintings etc that all mean alot to me. But you know what? When it came down to it I found that I didn't really want any of it, even though I had the time and space to pack them. No....all i took with me (apart from the necessites) were the girls baby quilts that my M-I-L made, my wedding veil and my Aunty Caths rosary beads. Thats it.
I spent last night thinking about how i would feel if i lost it all. Would i regret not packing things having had the opportunity to do so? The answer is no...I wouldn't. I'm glad that i didn't pack them. It made me see how far I have come in trying to simplify my life and appreciate what truly matters......my family.
I have now been able to come back home safe and well. The weather change overnight downgraded the threat however the fire is still out of control. There are some areas where friends of mine are not able to come home yet so they are in my prayers. At least they are safe away from it all.
I'm truly thankful that my house is o.k but I'm even happier knowing that home is with my family....whether we have a house or not.
I'm sorry if this post is a bit higglety-pigglety. I'm not very good at explaining my feelings in words. It's been a long night and I haven't slept. I had to share the bed with two frightened little girls who thrash around when they're sleeping but I wouldn't of had it any other way! They were safe and snuggled with mummy :)
Now I'm off to make a cuppa and start making cellophane windows with the girls to keep their mind off the fire.
Thanks for reading x
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Vintage finds
I've had alot of inquiries as to where i find things that i use for displays etc. So I've decided to do the odd blog about some of my finds. As you may have gathered I live in a small country town called Rylstone NSW. It is close to another small town called Kandos which has the best Vinnies I've ever been to! Here are some pics of my finds this week... 2 biscuit trays for $I.50, A set of glasses and their holder for $3.00 and a black and white retro tea set ( it came with 4 cups and saucers) that i got for $2.00. So all up it cost me $6.50 for these treasures. It always helps to go in on a Monday or Wednesday when Mavis is working. She is a true blue character with a heart of gold!
Since moving to the country I've discovered lots of little gems. I'll make sure to continue showing you my finds. xxx
Monday, November 9, 2009
My beautiful bunting
I just thought that I'd quickly let you know about the bunting that i had hanging from my table at Street Feast. It was made by the lovely Belinda at Tuttifruiti. I love her work. I have a little Babushka doll that i purchased from her a while back and when i saw that she was making this bunting i had to have some! I love how they hang like petals, and the colours she uses tie in so well together. I haven't worked out where I'm going to hang it yet. I'm trying different spots. For now its over the spare bed in the office (a rusty old spring bed that was here when we moved in...I love it!) The girls seem to like it better in there. They want a pink one for they're bedroom so I'm sure I'll be getting some more soon (It's all pink with my two!).
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New items in store! And more to come!
I've been busy today taking photos of my things and uploading them onto Etsy. I've made a few smaller pieces and have been busy working on a new design for my Nursing Necklaces so please come and check it out here
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Rylstone Street Feast 2009
Wow! What an AMAZING town I live in!
Today was the annual Rylstone Street Feast where the main drag is closed off for lovely market stalls, long tables and music. Mudgee wine flows in special "Street Feast" glasses and meals made from local produce is served up in bowls made by a local ceramic artist, and you get to keep them both!
I had a stall and although i didn't do very well I really enjoyed myself. I was just outside No 47 (a lovely gallery/cafe) so i was able to enjoy coffee, hot chocolates and the best falafel wrap I've ever had!
Gosh I love living here!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mathilda's Market

I will be participating in the upcoming Mathilda's Market on 1st November. I have new goodies to share with you all and I'm working on having an amazing stand. So please come along and introduce yourself. I'd love to see you there!
What I've been up to
I've been flat out the last few weeks. I had to travel down to Sydney for a family reunion with the two girls in tow (joy) My cold that i ignored turned into a raging sinus infection that i am still recovering from. The man has been doing shift work so I've hardly had any time with him and my house is a shambles because i'm preparing for Mathildas Market in November so stuff is everywhere! The headshave has taken up a lot of my time too. I managed to do a small painting today but i'm not happy with it as i couldn't concentrate on what i was doing. I would have got more done had Haidee not painted over my other canvas...Oh well, what can i say? She's 2!

Oh and I found a home for Chai too....My in-laws! xxx
I still have to share with you the fabulous ladies that were at The Stitches And Craft Show back in August but I have to put it off as I'm trying to gather together all my donations for the head shave (sorry!). It was a great day however the weather was bad so it had to be done inside and the crowd wasn't as big as last years. I've done pretty well with donations and am now getting used to my new look. I must say it feels fantastic! My hair was down past my shoulders and i donated it to the local barber Justine (who is in remission from Breast Cancer) to make into a wig. It felt really good to be able to do my little bit.
So here is a photo of me after the shave. Sinead O'Conner eat your heart out!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's coming off! (My hair that is)
My town is having a huge celebration this month for Breast Cancer awareness. Bras are strung up across the main street and everyone has decorated their houses in an effort to "paint the town pink". Hair has been dyed and everyone is wearing pink....men and women!
The girls have had alot of fun with streamers, balloons, doilies and glitter. It's been lovely getting involved. And now for the big news....I'm to have all my locks shaved off! Yes thats right...It's all coming off this Sunday folks. I'm going to donate my hair to the local Barber (herself in remission from Breast Cancer) for her to make into a wig. I've raised quite a bit and have been humbled by peoples generosity. "The Big Shave Off" will take place on the 11th of October at The Globe Hotel at 2pm, Louee Street, Rylstone. If you are wanting to contribute please let me know. I'm very excited. It feels wonderful to be able to do this for such a great cause.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monsieur Chai...He's a lovely guy!
Alright so this is a bit off track but very important.

My darling friend is looking for a new home for her mothers cat Chai. He is a beautiful Burmilla and needs a good home. If a home isn't found soon he will be taken to the RSPCA.
I would dearly love him but i can't because of Obi (my dog) I'm so sad that i can't take him.
He's an older cat and loves cuddles. I've posted a picture of the breed. If anyone is interested please let me know and i can arrange some correspondence.

Monday, September 21, 2009
Miss Byrne
I just wanted to share a picture of the lovely Rose Byrne at the Emmys. Doesn't she look beautiful? Far from the days at Balmain Public School with rolled up tracky dacks and apple pie shoes!
Congratulations on your nomination Rose and i hope you enjoyed every second. You're a great actress and a beautiful person MWA xxx

Friday, September 18, 2009
Run off my feet!!!
Hello all! I had grand plans of posting pictures from the show but alas none of them turned out!!!
It's been a month now since the show and I have been settling back into mummy mode. The show was wonderful. I met so many wonderful people and i learnt so much about myself. Going into it I was unsure about where i fit in and frightened at the prospect of biting off more then i can chew. I now know what my goals are in life. I was inspired by all the other stall holders like Belinda at tutti fruiti and Lisa at the red thread (both of whom have lovely blogs) and will cherish the memories of the show always. I'll make sure to put up links to all the other indie crafters that were up in the incubator section in my next post........I promise I won't be long!
My most popular seller were my tweets (above) that are now in my etsy store. Each one is unique and made with so much love.
I better go now. I have alot of orders to post and two girls to attend to!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Amelia's Quilt
My eldest daughter recently celebrated her 4th birthday. We had a lovely party for her and she had the best day. Her favourite present was a quilt made especially for her by her Mardie (my wonderful mother in law). The quilt was named "Morning Star" by her Pa because she was born in the morning and she's one of their little stars. Isn't it divine? I love Mardies Quilts. You can truly feel the warmth of love in every stitch. She's a very clever lady and quilting is her true passion (she even has her own machine...It's huge!) We are truly blessed.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What makes me happy: My bedroom
Since moving from our tiny shack in the Hawkesbury, I'm finally enjoying having a bedroom that is purely to sleep in! My bedroom is no longer a laundry folding room, a workspace and an office all in one and i can't begin to tell you how happy this makes me feel! Every morning i feel rested and ready to embark on a new day. The painting in my room is by Kay Singleton Keller. It was given to me as a gift and i love it so much. I also love my little Babushka doll that was made by the lovely Belinda at Tuttifruiti. She makes the most beautiful things and will also be at the show.
Peace to me x
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