Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rainbow blooms

If I'm having a crapola day this is what pulls me through. My rainbow blooms. There's nothing more relaxing to me than doodling these flowers in my sketch book. It puts a smile back on my dial :)

Below is a painting I've been working on. I still have so much more to add, I have to finish the rainbow blooms then add a separate layer of plain white ones. It should come up beautifully (well, here's hoping anyway). My flower paintings take a long time to do. I have to work on them periodically because the intricate patterning plays havoc with my wrists. I usually work on smaller canvases however this one's a whopper!

I can't wait to see it hanging in my shop!

Alisa x


Tina said...

Alisa, your rainbow blooms are AMAZING!! I can't believe that you just sketch these..I cannot draw to save myself, so I am so in awe of your beautiful work! I hope you will share your finished canvas with us, it is gorgeous!! Hope you are having a lovely week ~ Tina xx

Sarah B said...

They're so much fun - I can see why they'd cheer you up when you draw them. The painting is going to look so great!

CurlyPops said...

Your doodles are absolutely beautiful. Can you imagine how gorgeous they would be printed onto fabric???

Paula said...

Just gorgeous!I'm off to visit your Etsy shop now...PS Where in country NSW can I ask? I grew up in the Central West - Condobolin and moved parents retired to Orange...Sydneysider now but heart still in the bush :)